SF Poem: RHL, ‘Out Of Many…’

Two hundred million sperm
in one ejaculation;
and we are standing firm
and spouting with elation,
though but a single germ
survives to incarnation.

And much in nature throws
vast clouds into the ocean,
where myriad embryos
become a magic potion
consumed by all that goes
with food its only notion;

yet one or two survive
to adulthood and, later,
will make the species thrive
and serve up like a waiter
new young crowds that arrive
like cargo crammed on freighter.

This is how nature lives;
we should not think it foolish
eight billion of us gives
but forty fierce and mulish
posthuman narratives,
godlike as much as ghoulish,

in retrospect appearing nature’s plan
for how we cross to Nietzsche’s Superman.


This poem was originally published in the Amsterdam Quarterly, although without the final couplet. I usually allow editors to make changes if they suggest them, and often the changes are an improvement that I retain. But in this case I’m afraid the science fiction speculation may be lost without those last lines: the idea that the present billions of us are on the point of being superseded by the first handful among us who achieve a godlike state of posthumanity… and that this ratio of 200,000,000 seeds being sacrificed to achieve one mature adult in the next generation is not unusual in nature.

Photo: “Stinging nettle stem with +/-15 billion seeds” by esagor is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

4 thoughts on “SF Poem: RHL, ‘Out Of Many…’

  1. Michael Burch

    Robin, your poem reminds me of this one of mine:

    thanksgiving prayer of the parasites
    by michael r. burch

    GODD is great;
    GODD is good;
    let us thank HIM
    for our food.

    by HIS hand
    we all are fed;
    give us now
    our daily dead:


    most gracious
    & salacious
    we thank YOU in advance for
    meals galore
    of loverly gore:
    of precious
    human flesh!)

    Originally published by Setu

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anonymous

    Unholy Meditation
    (after the style of John Donne’s “Holy Sonnets”)

    Life has evolved, in spite of Entropy,
    Or dissolution into random motion.
    A life one drop of water in an ocean
    Of Space and Time and radiant Energy
    Out of which Chaos comes an Enthalpy
    Assembling to itself attractive Mass
    Exploded stars’ vast clouds of dust and gas
    Collapse. New stars ignite. No Empathy
    Forms planets, asteroids, and comets. These
    Revolve, collide, till through a process blind
    First plants, then animals, then human kind
    Appears. Then Habit, Chance, and Law displease.
    Each brief life passed, dissolved, no more to know,
    To scattered molecules our bodies go.

    Michael Murry, “The Misfortune Teller,” Copyright © 2019

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anonymous

    (biological – theological – historical)

    Then procreate.
    Your part in Mankind’s fate.

    From clods
    Of earth make Men
    Who turn to dust again.

    Then die.
    In stone they’ll set
    Your falsehoods, then forget.

    Michael Murry, “The Misfortune Teller,” Copyright © 2015

    Liked by 1 person


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